
GEORGIA - 300 USD (part1)

This is a short story about Andrew and Tina hitchhiking around Georgia for 2 weeks, and spent only 300 dollars. Living in a tent, hotel and people houses, eating everything, visiting almost everything. No big cities only true spirit landscapes of Georgia! Welcome!

Part 1
       We were standing on the road of eastern Ukraine watching panoramas with heaps and burned grass. There were no cars and no life. Strange to see picture like that in Ukraine. To border with Russia just 140 km.

We crossed the border on a bus in 3 hours and in afternoon appeared somewhere in Russia. Taxi driver gave us a ride and helped to get to the right way. Than we stopped another guy, that told us a story about Russian government that put his wife to the prison. Hour after, Tina and Andrew were standing on a bridge crossing river Don. There were so many mosquitoes that we decided to ask some help from local police. And they did. We were in a trunk of big car, couldn't see anything, just feelings and believe. Luckily again on a road on a sunset we met another hitchhiker, check the map and went for new adventures.


This guys make twice bigger challenge with the nature.
Surfing in Scottish style



Bob "OLE" Olsen - famous and the oldest surfboard shaper in the world.
Live Legend of surfboard industry and history, a man who surfed and still surfing. He knows what is lifeguard wooden box and new retro single fin. Welcome to video interview from Bob Olsen garage on Maui......


Come Hell or High Water

Кіно учасник Нью-Йоркського серфінгового кінофестивалю.
З дошкою в океані відчуваєш себе безпечно, це як кращий друг, який подає свою руку іти не тонеш. А коли ти у воді лише з маленькими ластами, і на тебе накочується 5-ти метрова хвиля. Кіно про відважних, кіно про "body surfers". Фільм про душу людей амфібій, які сідлають хвилі своїми тілами. 

Competitor of New York Surfing film festival. When you on a board in the ocean you feel safe, cuz surfboard like best friend, always gives you a hand. But when you out in a water only with fins and your body and 15 foot wave just coming on and you paddling out so hard not to be catcher. Movie about brave, film about body surfers. This movie show us the soul of people that catch a waves by their bodies!


Bootleg - surfing trailer

Longboard surfing is a unique culture. See what is waiting for you soon. Bootleg, we are not selling we are earning respect from the ocean.

Трейлер нового фільму про історію серфінгу в незвичних ракурсах і поясненях.
Це не халява, це важкий труд. Запрошуєм до перегляду

Bootleg Trailer from George Trimm on Vimeo.


VARDZIA - ancient cave town

Hey guys!!!
Continuing our trip reports from Georgia. Today we are visiting deep south of Georgia, where the border with Armenia is so close. Among those mountains in a river canyon is hidden one of the most atractivness site to visit - VARDZIA. Now it's a monastery and museum, but 900 years ago it was a fast grown defense town, with own irrigating system, hidden caves passes and brave people. How to get there and what to see, look down!!!

Вардзія - найзагадковіше місце у Грузії. Печерний монастир який видовбали в скелі вс.ого за 49 років. Назва походить від грузинського "Ак вар дзіа" - що означає, Я ТУТ ДЯДЬКО!!!!



Svaneti is a small region in Georgia among highest Caucasus peaks. It is so green in summer time like Oregon in US and so unpredictable like no other part of the world.

Сванетія - наймальовничіший високогірний район Грузії, де досі панує закон гір. Справедливість, чест і гостинність. Далі Сванетія англійською в картинках.